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News Digest by Kevin

California Ballot Initiative to Restore Affirmative Action is Unnecessary and Dangerous.

-acknowledges that “race, diversity and inclusion need more attention”, but says that Prop. 16 is the wrong way to go about it

-Includes Rick’s observation that Prop 209 has helped boost academic preparation for minority students


Poll: California’s Prop. 16 in deep trouble, Prop. 22 and Prop. 15 in tight races. San Francisco Gate.

-Talks about how Prop 16 is still behind in the polls

-“Black survey respondents said they support Prop. 16 by a margin of 58% to 33%, but the measure is clearly underwater with white voters (35% support to 53% opposition) and Asian American voters (39% support to 50% opposition). Hispanic voters also narrowly oppose the measure with 40% of respondents saying they will vote “yes” and 42% saying they will vote ‘no,'”


Confronting Racism in Admissions. Inside Higher Ed. 10/26

-Talks about university admissions; getting rid of legacy admissions

-Brings up Prop 209, quotes Ward saying that Prop 209 didn’t necessarily ban affirmative action, just discrimination


Election 2020: What is Prop 16? Los Angeles Loyalan. 10/26

-Student paper out of Loyola Marymount University

-video on Prop 16

-Shows clips from 1996 

-Interviews a student who supports Prop 16

-Includes a clip from Ward’s recent interview on Tucker Carlson
