Car Rally Protesting Prop 16 in Sacramento 8/8
Welcome to our 7th No Prop 16 protest in Sacramento, on August 8, 2PM!
Meet at the California State Capitol Building (west side): 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Sign up today! Check out more events
1. Check out Facebook live stream when the event starts.
2. Check out our 10 car protest tips.
3. Come early to join our fundraising event and check out posters and charity sales.
4. Learn how to self-decorate a car.
- Please DO NOT take the risk if you have any symptoms of sneezing, coughing, fever, etc.
- Please cover your face and keep social distancing.
1:30pm Can join the voice meeting:
Or, call: +16699009128,,85761736776#, then enter password 54321
After calling in, press *6 to unmute
2:00pm Speakers at the Capitol begin, including Ward Connerly
See meeting point and available parking lots below
2:30PM Car parade begins: See route below
Please stay safe, follow all rules of the road, and check out our 10 car protest tips.